I Have always been a great fan of surrealism, specifically become it is all about your interpretation of the world, in relation o your subconscious. I must say that this is not a new concept in art, compared to the creations in Indian, Afican and other indigenous peoples, however, the style of Surrealist was unique. The work of these artist was clean, percise, vibrant, and as true as art can be. Interpreting what is otherwise unknown is one of the many attractions of artistically creating.
DALI is the main proponent that I consider. His scenes were "unrealistic" but the most intriguing aspect is how well the composition attracted and maintained the viewers focus. With most surrealist work this is the case. Although the content is slanted in a peculiar way, it is still able to be processed effectively by the viewer, and initially many people don't notice the odd factors.
Just the way are dreams are, we don't know they are dreams until we can fly, and are skin is purple, and your favorite animal at the zoo is talking to you....
I apprecoate the transition from DADA to surrealism, mainly because, artist had to completely remove boundaries before entering into a limitless space like the mind. Surrealism bought the subconscious experience to life, and though it was subjective to the artist, individuals were still able to understand the idea.
My thought on Surrealism: I have always wondered, if you bring something to life, does that male it reality?


ANDRE MASON .AUtomatic Drwaing