Friday, May 10, 2013


First thought.. Crazy. The amount of focus an d intense dedication to such a project is a must.. However it seemed fun. The animation had simple components but I do not feel it was simple as far as transitions go. The artist used a variety of locations and all the space that was free , including the ceiling.  He was able to create a range of textures with small details rather than shading or color (i.e all work is done in black and white paint). I was even creep out by the textures because they were so.. ALIVE! ( bug section).
I think the use of music in the film was helpful in the full understanding of the characters and movement.

A definite must see.

Allen Turing

The genius of this man was reflected in many ways, through his work with computer sciences as well as his lifestyle as an openly gay man. To me, the attributes described go hand and hand with his success and determination.
I also believe his diverse background, traveling with his family allowed for his mind to wonder, and be exposed to different lifestyles, thus, he was able to really think outside of the box and create. 
What Allen Turing pioneered was remarkable, and interestingly enough began in the government/ military work. Turing developed many codes and figured out many things for the German government, including working with the Enigma machine (secret codes!) during WWII.
 Allen Turing's work undoubtedly helped in the creation of the first computers, 

Another interesting aspect of his life was his work on the Turing Test, which essentially came from him challenging and exploring the importance of artificial intelligence.  "The idea was that a computer could be said to "think" if a human interrogator could not tell it apart, through conversation, from a human being." WIKI!! (ROBOTS THINK!!) 

Now this idea, and his early versions of computer systems has been paired together in modern technology! 

I wonder what he would say if he were here today! 



Full of intensity and culture, live music, African dance! GOOD times.

Another Favorite:

Who says a flash mob has to be perfectly choreographed dance!

OOk I chose this one because I thought many would enjoy it! I remember seeing it and thinking that it is difficult to organize anything on the beach!

ALL of these flashmobs were able to happen because of advancements on technology, and although many people may think it simple to put a flash mob together, it is not!! 

Her Morning Elegance

I loved this video. I'm corny, so I also enjoyed the popie indie song accompanying such beautiful animation! the still frame creation was flawless and matching well to the song. They took the Idea of her morning elegance and paired it with the idea of the random positions people may be in while sleeping. If i learned one thing about animation, I learned the value of simplicity, and this video says that clearly. It may have been thousands of stills but the end product was simple and clean.  

I admire how quick the video got noticed but I am not surprised!

Behind the Video Art

" Day Dream ... DAY DREAM. I fell asleep beneath the flowers, for a couple of hours, what a beautiful dayyy "

SO this project helped me realize that I like editing. When I have a clear vision I enjoy creating the video project and seeing it come to life. I was inspired by my own feelings of being in a dream parts of the day. I often feel as if I am experiences the world in a dream, an alternate reality, and I know many people have those dazed days. I wanted to show have juxtaposing shots of the same space in the daylight and a night, to communicate the idea of the dream state and reality merging. The light being whole one is awake, and the night being while someone is dreaming. However, it is a mix in my film, and each shot has been edited to portray the similarities between the two states.

The music was created to add a sense of contemplation, just being in your mind. It is a simple yet captivation rhythm that holds you in the film similar to the way one may feel "stuck" in a dream.
Ultimately, I didn't want to make it about being scared or happy while in between dreams and reality, I simply wanted to offer a film portraying the images and mood while reflecting on such a state.

Magnetic Recording

All of this flew over my head. The way technology develops is amazing and it takes a lot of different people to get to evolve and idea. Magnetic recording essentially is the application of sound being recording on a magnetic medium, thus the magnet affected certain portions of that medium is the recording. The article began with the initial technique of humans recording, which is writing, and showed us how the new technologies of recording reflect the same idea of recording knowledge and information and being able to share it with others.

This technology is used to store computer info as well as music and video, and has made a difference in the size of appliances, weight, and use. It has been able to  transform from analog to digital, and has flaws such as self-magnetization, or the signal just not translating well, however, I think it has been valuable and will continue to serve its purpose.

Performance Art: Live Art

Art that is created for arts sake. The artist becomes the piece, so much so, that in my opinion, ego becomes minor compared to the message being portrayed in the work.

In both Rubbish and Strange fruit, I was memorized by the dedication that Tom Geoghean had to his message. WHen looking at Live art examples, I automatically put myself in the artist shoes, trying to imagine the motivation behind such intensity. I think that is one of the most important point for any artist doing live work; the point of being so detached from the experience, yet so committed allows for the viewer to "take your place' in the experience, thus the work resonates with many.

Before viewing Geogheans work, I just kept thinking about how I would be humiliated, without a doubt, if I had to do live art. Then I saw the strength of this artist in Rubbish, as he remained still, hidden in what appeared to be a pile of garbage on the side walk. Letting people poke him, and kick him, and of course investigate his human hand hanging from the pile, and keep walking.

Even more, I was taken back by Strange Fruit. He was influenced by the Billie Holiday song Strange Fruit, which is one of the most powerful and haunting songs of the era... EVER. She songs about black bodies hanging from trees, and he dresses himself in a Full white outfit and suspends himself from a tree in a park! '
 Geoghean is flawless in his choice of location to match his subject matter.



Video games are amazing. They bring you into another world. I believe that video games are a powerful tool,and  like most media, it must be taken for what it is.

With violent games like Call of Duty, Grand Theft, Mortal Kombat,  people need to understand the power of submerging themselves in such a violent state. I think it a matter of not letting the game change your reality.

We as a society may have a problem glorifying things like violence, materialism, and sexuality. 
We as humans learn  and live though our five senses... 
One must decide what to feed Mind. 
Video games incorporate, sight, touch, hearing... for hours!!

Not to mention the violence includes language.... 
This is conditioning... If you allow it. 


I Have always been a great fan of surrealism, specifically become it is all about your interpretation of the world, in relation o your subconscious. I must say that this is not a new concept in art, compared to the creations in Indian, Afican and other indigenous peoples, however, the style of Surrealist was unique. The work of these artist was clean, percise, vibrant, and as true as art can be. Interpreting what is otherwise unknown is one of the many attractions of artistically creating.

DALI is the main proponent that I consider. His scenes were "unrealistic" but the most intriguing aspect is how well the composition attracted and maintained the viewers focus. With most surrealist work this is the case. Although the content is slanted in a peculiar way, it is still able to be processed effectively by the viewer, and initially many people don't notice the odd factors.

Just the way are dreams are, we don't know they are dreams until we can fly, and are skin is purple, and your favorite animal at the zoo is talking to you....

I apprecoate the transition from DADA to surrealism, mainly because, artist had to completely remove boundaries before entering into a limitless space like the mind. Surrealism bought the subconscious experience to life, and though it was subjective to the artist, individuals were still able to understand the idea.

My thought on Surrealism: I have always wondered, if you bring something to life, does that male it reality? 



Max ErnstThe Elephant Celebes (1921), Tate, London

File:Masson automatic drawing.jpg
ANDRE MASON .AUtomatic Drwaing

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Guerilla Girls: Making a Statement

In almost all of my art courses, I have been fortunate to discuss the work of the Guerrilla Girls and the war they are fighting. I have always admired their work, and focus to educate and bring attention to the unbalanced exposure in the art world. 

They explore the truths of "sexism,racism, and corruption in politics, art, film and pop culture, with facts humor and outrageous visuals" (as described on their website ). 

They are known for supporting their masks anytime they are seen, to remain anonymous, and to make a statement while showing up in public, print work,interviews, and the list goes on. 

For me this movement inspires, it is bold and at the same time, long over due so very refreshing. I will be even more excited when I see the work has paid off :)

I could write a lot about the work of these various women but I would rather just post for you all to see. 


They make the statements:



not much work left to do but PAY ATTENTION!!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Performance Art: Im His Bitch... and He is Mine??

It just so happens that my love was here visiting when we were assigned this project. I was stuck without an idea, but thankfully as we sat together, we developed a concept for a performance art piece that challenges the norms within relationships.

We realize that as a college aged couple we are subject to societal pressures of roles within a relationship. We have chosen to challenge these roles and redefine what is true loyalty is, its purpose, and ultimately how unconditional love in relationships is the best guide.

Loving conditionally is an unspoken rule throughout our age group. Noting the freedom  and obvious attraction levels on college campuses it is essentially a breeding ground for fu**ing, flirting, cheating, and for some, control, if you are in a relationship.

We are supposed to be able to control the natural attractions of our mates, or better yet, completely stop them. "He only has eyes for me".  The conditions of relationships, and the power roles are often the cause for many issues.
The rules of long distance relationships can be even more specific and detailed, and some may feel constricted.

The performance piece offers a way of understanding Unconditional Love. Love where each person is in control of themselves and their own actions, completely trusting the other to respect the freedom and trust given.

We highlight the emotions generated when a couple holds a focus for loving unconditionally.  There is release on the leash of the lover and at the times, a complete letting go of the leash, i.e the tools of control and the conditions of love.

By maintaining  a healthy relationship while feeling the growing pains of infidelity we explore the necessary attitudes for loving unconditionally. Ultimately in throughout this love, there is an opportunity to wipe away the preexisting conditions and to develop a more personalized relationship structure.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Today's Super Power! Coding

I was on YouTube earlier and saw that the video "What Most Schools Don't Teach You" , and of course the two men positioned in the video advertisement were Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates: why? Because they are some of the most brilliant men who, did not depend on ordinary school methods to be where they are. They depend on the determined and innovative brains they were born with. 

To know that this non profit organization : Code.Org is promoting this development in today's society is awesome, and to have so many great engineers speak about their experience with coding is amazing as well. The wonderful thing about art is that there is no limit on how many people can practice and excel at it, thus these "rock stars" are itching to meet, employ, and inspire the new great!

Gabe Newell, co-founder of video game developer Valve, said it best with this knowledge of coding, "You're going to look like you have magic powers compared to everybody else." Because the advancements that technology is making is truly remarkable and only improving. 

It is art: I saw a video of the new PS4, and all I saw was art. Ans on the other hand, technology does help save peoples lives. I don't think I want to be without this super power, like Will I Am pointed out, we depend on technology to give us our knowledge so we should probably be knowledgeable about it! The video now has 4,719,142 
so I think many people feel the same way. 

 I thought he was cute!

Sunday, February 17, 2013

"I'm raping in the rain..."

Um I think that's how it goes, or at least that is the translation of the classic Singing in the Rain by Alex and his droogs in A Clockwork Orange. The scene I am referring to is a really powerful scene in the movie because it connects the two lifestyles of the past and present (which was the future in the book). The book itself highlights how the youth have disconnected from the moral lessons of society, thus creating their own rules and adaptions of the classic expressions.

Alex and  his friend broke into a home of a wealthy couple, terrorizing their home, and raping the woman of the house. As the gang began their work, Alex was singing Singing in the Rain, because that was the only song he could remember the lyrics to. the audience is presented with this juxtaposition of right and wrong just by the character doing wrong is knowledgeable of Beethoven and only sings the lyrics to song of joy.

The song is used again at the end of the film in the end credits as another comparison point. Alex went through behavioral treatment to "correct" his evil behavior. so when the credits are shown, and Singing in the Rain is played once more, the audience is now juxtaposing the torture from the physiologist on Alex and the joy and goodness of the music. This use of music as apart of the narrative was done very well, because i can honestly find multiple connecting points with moral implications between the music in the context of the story.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

The Birth and life of Opera:

“Excitement Rage Passion”. That is how Opera has been described in this documentary, hosted by Howard Goodhall. It is a form of music; the form where it is integrated with the real world, fusing “music with universal stories and idea”.  400 years old and still kicking, opera was first created in Florence! The Camerata: a mixture of artists who discussed the arts and sciences came up with bright idea of having a music drama. And this idea has been stamped as irreplaceable in history and has influenced  the modern world as well. It was initially a form of entertainment for the elitist thus it played a big part in communicating political views. “Used as  a vehicle for powerful messages” by Mozart and many other composers. Often many of the composers shared themes in their operas.  Themes of liberation deliverance, catalyst for political change, place for responses, propaganda, and it soon became a national identity for the Italians.

But regardless of the work it did in its homeland, it did a lot around the world as well, and proved that music is a great way to communicate nearly everything. I immediately realized how the emotion of the songs got to me and I don’t speak or understand anything but English, proving that even for the illiterate low class in these countries, the opera music explained a lot about what was going on around them. Howard Goodhalll said it best. The use of song throughout a story “offers the piece a stylistic unity, and music is better at getting across thoughts or ideas that are very sensitive”

Just as important as the music were the costumes and sets used while telling these stories. Because opera told humanistic stories, the sets and costumes were as extravagant as the music in order to fully communicate the ideas in the story.  

The musical and the Opera: The parent or the modern form?

I agree with the host of the film, that opera is the parent of the musical and the exist side by side. The musical drama. Operas are still being composed and the great ones are still being performed. I am familiar with John Adams work, and I note that the art of opera is still being studied and practiced all over the world. I used to wonder why it hasn't died, why it is still appreciated  just as much as it was before. It is a true union of many art forms as American Composer John Adams said. I think it is amazing how you can develop an appreciation for a form of art over time, all the more reason why art stays relevant because until it has been experienced by all, it remains living.

A Trip to The Moon

The limited camera angles was the first thing I noticed while waiting A Trip to the Moon, a innovative film of 1902! I noticed the orchestral music in the background and of course the dramatic acting! Next it was the grain of the film in self, shaky, black and white and beautiful in its own way.t thins film was the first of its kind to do something like this. The set of the space ship landing, and the rise of the moon, being its own character in the film. Its face so clear and unique. The random stars popping up with faces of their own then transforming into people in the constellations.  I could only imagine the initial thoughts of the people who watched this film when it was first created, they were probably in a totally different awe than me.  I think its important for us to look at what came before the Star Wars and Avatar!

The Technologies of Broadway!

 I got a little worried while viewing the Broadway clips from …. Blog because the objective is to find ways technology was used in a good way.Growing up in this generation, technology is almost everything, and has definitely put its stamp on most of our world. I look at these clips waiting for some phenomenal technologically advanced set, when in reality, most of the clips focus on lighting, costumes and of course the music. I decided to take a step back, and consider the technology I may consider simple, and look at it for the impact it really makes on the show.

1.Time Heals Everything   

        I have always wondered what made a concert so great! I mean it is usually just one person and the band on stage, and  you may not be able to see them well depending on the seat. What makes us able to feel the emotion of the song, other than the volume of the speakers… the lights! I realize it is the lights and no matter how simple the song or the lights, everything adds to the grand scheme of the performance. A simple example of this is Bernadette Peters performing Time Heals Everything: Score written by Jerry Herman. The piece begins with red and blue lights. There is a low, spotlight on the single voice performing. The saxophone in the piece mimics the performers voice and the rest of the lights mimic the intensity of the orchestra. Initially there is less red light and it is surrounded by the blue, but as the music’s intensity grows, the red light grows as well.
    Man of La Mancha
I am not familiar with this piece, but I understood the content of the piece. The man sung about triumph and hi “glorious quest”. The costumes of the two performers were appropriate to the Spanish style story, and the music played a big part, A lot of the text touched on heavenly things, stars, and the stage light brought the drama of the song alive. The lights were dim, like a summer’s night, almost as if it was lit only by the stars and the moon. As the man’s spirit rises in his “quest” he sings more passionately. At this time, he was also lit by two bright lights, like the moon found him specifically and the woman on the stage fell into the shadow as the lights dimmed down. At the very end, the sung “to reach the unreachable star” and held the end note while he raised his hand. Of course to ad d to this, the same bright lights found him again and the entire background fell into the shadows.
  The Goodbye Girl
I loved this one partly because im a romantic! But mainly because in theater you really must figure out how to provide just enough visual information so that the viewers understand what they are seeing. One of the videos we watched in class said it best, people know they are going to the theater so they fill in the blanks. I liked this set because the it really looked like the top of a building, and the lighting added to this look, with the ground being lit, the backdrop being lit (the night sky) and the props of the set being lit as well. 

1. Broadways lost Treasures: My One and Only:
I am not familiar with the story line of this show but I really =enjoyed this 5 min clip of what I will call the wedding dance! It was a simple set with low blue lights and a moving stage separator that had my one and only shining in big stage lights. The “coolest” firm of technology was probably the little bit of smoke that was used when the bride and groom entered the dance. I choose this piece because of the dance itself as well as the costumes. They were a big part of how the dance was perceived because the it was supposed to be so exciting the costumes were designed were they had a lot of movement. The choreography reflected this excitement as well.

2.      The Grand hotel, “Take a Glass” was really cool. The background was this contour of a hotel building in little lights! And the dancers were in costumes of normal men and hotel maids. The cool part was the flexible bar that the two main dancers used for their performance. This flexible bar was the most important part of the set because it served as the bar top where the two men took a drink. It was also the support for the “drunk dancer” to use in order to fully execute his character and the difficult tap dance number he had to perform. I thought it was a simple but creative way for his drunken character to really be shown off. 

The Legacy of Josephine Baker

Yes to this video! I was extremely excited to watch this film about the emphasis Josephine Baker. Her legacy is unforgettable and even for someone who learned a little about her while growing up, I was mainly taught that she was one of the most influential people in the Harlem Renaissance. I was aware of her famous dances and costumes, and understood how provocative she was but I could never properly place her in time because I didn't know how she was able to be so successful as a black woman at that time. It was amazing to me. 

Sadly of course in history classes we don't thoroughly study the great musicians and dancers who made a difference in the Black identity in america. Regardless of how much I can see her influence in artist like Janelle Monae and other great female performers, I didn't now the extent of Josephine Bakers Greatness from age 17(or younger) to age 68!


I loved this documentary on her life as a star. She was a  recording artist, night club owner, live performer, fashion guru, dancer, actress (1st black actor to star in a international film),  heroin, mother wife, activist, creator and the list can continue. Her charisma, courage, and sometimes naive judgement made her a true role model.  She was an opportunist in her movements around the world.
I thought it was an interesting history lesson that was reflected in her story. She saw the Harlem Renaissance as her ticket out of america and ironically the colonization of Africa by the french made her a jewel in Paris. Many french natives were embracing all things African so Baker was a brilliant mix between the African and European arts. Her entire existence was a statement of freedom and unity of culture. Her dancing was therapeutic for her and her audience and she will be remembered.

Just a few quotes from the documentary that really helped me understand Josephine Baker:

“She stood for a certain kind of liberation for black people.”

“The new negro has no fear” 

considered blacks “Exotic Flowers” 

“Never a victim of the stereotypes.”.... regardless of how much the influenced her performances.

"Exported the  Harlem renaissance to Paris”

This is Janelle Monae! Her style is very Jo Baker and n this video "Tightrope" you can see it!  Pleas enjoy. Janelle Monae TightRope

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Madame Butterfly Animation

The first thing I noticed, and of course the first aspect introduced in the animation was the Music after a cold silence! I am familiar with opera and it was noted in class that it is an American take on the Japanese culture, but even in the music I think the composer did a wonderful job adding the cultural style to the music.

The animation was awesome. And I would recommend these types of adaptations to anyone who doesn't like the idea of opera shows. This animation incorporated the music by setting it as the tool for emotion. For instance, at about  6:20 Madama Butterfly is still waiting, listening to the same music he left her with, while she looks towards his ship, playing new music stylistically. This small distinction just in music showed that he had moved on, while she was still clinging to him and their past relationship.

Please Watch:  Madame Butterfly 

I liked this animation also because of the clear communication of the work while using no dialect. I think that alone is using technology well in art. The butterfly that landed on her only when she was in her happiest moments was a beautiful touch.  The umbilical cord kite situation was quite interesting, a sure way to show an attachment between the mother and child.  Also, where the soldier returns, with his new family, and just rips the umbilical cord from the mother’s stomach, in order to take her child spoke volumes. The way he ripped it out of her while holding the child, not even looking at her showed his little concern about the feeling or attachment the woman had to him through their child. She also falls to the ground so emotionally, and the operatic music got louder as her pain grew.
Overall I enjoyed it. I realize while watching adaptations that they only make me want to go see the great operas, because the music is so essential in the transformations. So I think Pjotr Sapegin's Madama Butterfly, did its job.

Whose Black Face is That?

It was interesting to me that one of the guest speakers on the documentary said that the makeup was used also as a disguise. They were able to do the show and then disappear into the crowds unnoticed. 

Minstrel Shows

Growing up, I was taught about the Black Face shows as a part of my education of my heritage in America. Understanding the dynamics the struggle for and of  the Black identity in America was important to my family. I always found a few things ironic about this topic, especially with the sub topic of the arts. Plainly put, Africans were stripped of their culture when they were bought here as slaves. Your culture is a major part of your identity. It makes you who you are individually and who we are collectively. 

In the transition from slavery into a free life, African descendants began to redefine, remember, and recreate their identity, while also trying to merge with the American identity.
The minstrel shows tried again to take this power out of these people’s hands.  Some blacks chose to join the acts, and make a stand that way. Some chose to be bold and make a stand by creating their own realities in show business. I look at it as the many steps in the journey and history if the identity of a generation and people.

I am not here to argue whether it was racist, or necessary, or anything like that, because there is no discussion.  My main understanding from all of this is the need for culture. Personal culture. Personal art forms. It is essential in defining identity. The black face shoes was a form of documentation, a note taker in the events taking place at that time, and we, as humans, must have our arts no matter how revealing they may be. 

Monday, January 28, 2013

Neo Baroque

Just By Searching Neo Baroque you can find all types of great fashion and design style in buildings interior.

A Little Fashion (or should I say a a lot)

FROCKTRADE Blog did an entire post about "How to wear Neo-Baroque" in Nov. 2012. They highlighted the amazing gold sequin trim and accents on several pieces, including a cardigan, mini skirt, and shirt.   FrockTrade : How To Wear Neo-Barouque.

Elle isn't the only magazine playing with The Gold And Black style. In The Baroque Era you could never go wrong with too much GOLD!

That's not all,  ASOS has a page in their fashion Finder section dedicated to the rise of the Baroque. And of course there have been plenty of runway shots of the style.Check them out on Vouge's website!

Although we don't have kings and queens in America we do have our celebrities.. and I don't think many would argue that some of them have the God complex similar to that of the Kings during the Baroque Era. I Bring you my two picks: Kanye West and Donald Trump.

With His Fashion Designs: 

And his personal Style: Always with a Gold Chain

Not to mention the crazy style he has with producing music, incorporating influences of every genre including Baroque Pop.

and Trump: With his Manhattan Pent House.. I don't think I need to say MORE and yes it come with a Gold Toilet! via


There are other interior designs that are less grand but still there is a subtle influence on modern designs.

I also found a great blog that touches on the Neo Baroque in our modern times through art and culture.  Its like a history book, but I enjoyed it. Neo Baroque Blog.

I realize anything outlandish but stylish to some extent is Baroque. Some people may not really enjoy it, and some may think it is tacky but to some extent its just how it was before... Over the Top!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Neo-Baroque: What do you mean we are still extravagant and bizarre? we are modern!

Everyone is more or less familiar with the intent of the modern style: Simplicity. Clean, fine perfect simple. The black and white, with crisp bold colors as accents in interior design. Or the geometric traits of the architecture. The simplicity in the music, not so many instruments or ornamentation to the sound. Just Clean.

However, I am also sure that we are familiar with the grand interior designs, the extravagant music and fashion of Kanye West, or Lady Gaga. The craziness of  Las Vegas, that some would consider a waste. Or even the marketing techniques the Kia Soul and other over the top commercials of the 21st century. So what is it Modern or over the top, exaggerated baroque style?

The next few post may help answer this question. Personally, I can see the influence of the Baroque era on our lovely chic designs and concepts. Tell me what you think about the Neo- Baroque age we are in.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Another Beginning: Tech.n.I.Call.y Art


My name is Aziza Sheppard, with many names in between, many meanings, and many applications, to add to the art of naming. I am blessed to be born into a family of artist, giving the term heavily to those who I admire. I am also blessed to be an artist myself, although I am still defining the term for myself.

I realized a while ago that in order to remember the meaning of the term artist, the meaning of Aziza, as an artist, I must also be dedicated to the simplicity in the title. ART. In all forms.While being aware of the passion that I personally feel for art, I am aware that this will be a lifelong journey of defining. Therefore, I am in no rush. Especially since art is always being created and evolving.

Studying Art and Technology is apart of my new beginning to define Art, however I do believe that this is an individual task, more about understanding what art is for me. Literally, Technically, what is art..
Simultaneously, I am interested in the historical classic art as well as the more "modern" expressions. Thus, art and technology also serves as a perfect way to explore both categories.. together. Learning the Technology I Call Art...