Sunday, January 27, 2013

Neo-Baroque: What do you mean we are still extravagant and bizarre? we are modern!

Everyone is more or less familiar with the intent of the modern style: Simplicity. Clean, fine perfect simple. The black and white, with crisp bold colors as accents in interior design. Or the geometric traits of the architecture. The simplicity in the music, not so many instruments or ornamentation to the sound. Just Clean.

However, I am also sure that we are familiar with the grand interior designs, the extravagant music and fashion of Kanye West, or Lady Gaga. The craziness of  Las Vegas, that some would consider a waste. Or even the marketing techniques the Kia Soul and other over the top commercials of the 21st century. So what is it Modern or over the top, exaggerated baroque style?

The next few post may help answer this question. Personally, I can see the influence of the Baroque era on our lovely chic designs and concepts. Tell me what you think about the Neo- Baroque age we are in.

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